Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Christ Academy

Ten years ago, a brilliant little thing started up in Fort Wayne, Indiana.  Christ Academy was born.  As a two week intense academy for high school young men, it has grown to be a place of religious instruction, rich worship experience, and a safe place for young men to explore God with other young men the same age.  Concordia Theological Seminary has been doing this academy now for 10 years.  For 10 years, high schoolers have traveled to Fort Wayne to study at the seminary.  They have made life-long friendships, experienced community around the study of Holy Scripture, and relaxed and had fun while enjoying sunny Fort Wayne.  These students have class together, worship and eat with the seminary community, and enjoy activities and travel.  Do you know a student that should be a pastor?  Do you know a high schooler that wants to learn more about Christ and His Church?  Recommend to him and his family he come to Christ Academy.  These two weeks will be amazing.